Can Dishwasher Clean Aluminum

Can Dishwasher Clean Aluminum Pots And Pans?

Using a dishwasher to wash dirty dishes is a faster and better way of washing your dishes as it saves you time, water, and it is more hygienic for your family.

However not all types of dishes or plates can be washed in the dishwasher. Many dishes and pots are made of aluminium material, and they are very common in people’s homes because aluminium plates and pots are reliable and easy to maintain.

However, if you are wondering can aluminium be washed in a dishwasher? In this article we shall talk about how to wash your aluminium made dishware and if you can wash them in the dishwasher.

Can dishwasher clean aluminum cookware?

There are several items that should not be washed in the dishwasher and aluminium is one of them. This is because the hot water washing temperature of the dishwasher coupled with a harsh dishwasher detergent can affect the outlook and make the aluminium plate look dull in other words it can cause discoloration to aluminium.

If you use your dishwasher to wash your aluminium pots and pans over a long period of time it will get corroded, get discoloured and therefore will be harmful for you and your family to use that vessel.

When aluminium vessels gets corroded or damaged the transfer of aluminium particles into your body through your food significantly increases which is not healthy for you and your family.

Can you wash anodized and non-stick pots in dishwasher?

Do you know that anodized and non-stick cookware actually contains aluminium inside it and if you wash these vessels in the dishwasher over a long period of time the coating on the non-stick cookware starts to get affected and gets damaged exposing the aluminium inside the vessel.

So, it is a bad idea to wash your anodized and non-stick pots and pans in the dishwasher because of the harsh chemicals inside the dishwasher detergents which can damage the coatings of the cookware.

And just as earlier mentioned any aluminium cookware that is damaged and exposed is no longer safe for cooking your meals as it can allow aluminium to get into your food which can be harmful.

And this is the main reason most dishwashers manufacturers specifically says that you should not wash non-stick cookware in the dishwasher.

What is the best way to wash aluminum pots and pans?

If you have a set of different cookware that ae made of aluminium and you are wondering, how do you wash them if you can not wash them in the dishwasher.

Here are some tips and recommendations on how best to wash and take care of your aluminium pots and pans.

If you have an aluminium pot that is stained with burnt food, you should never use any abrasive item like knives to scrub stains and residues off the pots. This can scratch and expose the cookware.

Now the best way to wash any cookware made of aluminium material is to use a mild soap with a non-abrasive sponge which you can use for scrubbing and getting away any food residues that is left on the pots.

Now the most important part of washing aluminum kitchenware is to make sure that you do not use any soap or detergent that is harsh or that contains chemicals.

You can check the list of ingredients used in making the soap you intend to buy and look out for any chemical ingredients that is acidic or hydrochloric.

You should also avoid using bleach or any thing similar as this can quickly damage the aluminium kitchenware.

After washing with mild soap and using a non-abrasive sponge or scrub to remove all stains and residues from the aluminium vessel you should immediately dry the cookware.

You should never leave aluminium pots and pans wet for long after washing them this is because limescale can begin to form on it.

Make sure to completely dry out the aluminium cookware immediately after washing them, this way your aluminum pots and pans are safe to use, and they can also last longer for you to use.

Why does Aluminium dishes go black in dishwasher?

The reason why aluminium pots or pans go black in the dishwashers is because of the alkaline in dishwasher detergent coupled with the high water washing temperature, and mineral deposits in your water can altogether make aluminium to turn black or darkened.

Aluminium is a popular and common cookware in many households just because it can heat up very quickly and at the same time cool down quickly, and it is affordable however, it can easily get discoloured especially when exposed to certain chemicals.

You know that aluminium pots and pans expands and undergo thermal expansion which allows fire or heat to be evenly spread across the aluminium pot so that your food can cook faster.

And it is this quality or feature of aluminium that makes the metal to darken when chemicals in detergents and water reacts on it.

Nonetheless you don’t need to worry too much you can actually restore your discoloured or black aluminium utensils by using natural cleaning products like lemon juice, cream of tartar, and vinegar.

Using any of these natural products can provide a fast and easy way for you to restore your aluminium cookware without causing any damage to the cookware.


While it is crucial and important that you wash your aluminium cookware it is also important that you know and understand the risk associated with washing aluminium made dishes and cookware in the dishwasher.

It is best and safer to wash all aluminium utensils by hand by using mild soaps and a gentle scrub to preserve and maintain the quality of the aluminium.


vtechworks: Be smart about cookware materials.