Why Do My Dishes Taste Like Soap After Dishwasher

Why Do My Dishes Taste Like Soap After Dishwasher? (Explained)

There are several reasons why your dishes taste of soap after washing it in a dishwasher.

And i will share some of the common causes or reasons why this may be happening.

Top Reasons Dishes Tastes Like Soap After Washing In Dishwasher:


Clogged filters and Pipes:

One of the main reason you are tasting soap on your dishes after final wash in the dishwasher.

May be that the soap water from the dishwasher is not draining out completely from the dishwasher due to a blocked drainage pipe or clogged filter. .

And so when dishes are being rinsed after completing a wash cycle the soap water that is left in the dishwasher will not allow the dishes to be properly rinsed and free of soap.

You will simply have to take out the filter of the dishwasher.

And then properly wash it clean with brush and hot water.

To get rid of all the food debris, grease and oil blocking the filter before fixing it back into the machine.

Although a dishwasher is a cleaning machine but it too also needs a bit of cleaning and maintenance from time to time.

You should always clean your dishwasher at least once in a month so as to prevent any issues like this from happening in future.


Wrong or too much detergent:

Another major reason why your dishes or plates taste like soap especially when you are using it to eat is that you may be applying or adding too much detergent into the machine.

It is always advisable that you have some form of gauge or measurement for the amount of soap or detergent you use for a normal full load of dishes in your dishwasher.

This is common with powder or liquid soap as you are not really able to gauge or measure the right amount of soap to add to your dishes but if you are using dishwasher pods you may not have this problem.

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If there is too much detergent in the dishwasher there is a high chance that you are going to have some of them still left on your plates or bowls after the final washing cycle.

Because if the detergent is too much in the dishwasher you will need more water to completely rinse them off the dishes to get rid of the detergent completely.

Not Using recommended detergent:

Another reason why your dishes taste of soap or detergent after washing in the dishwasher is because you may be using the wrong type of detergent.

There are so many detergent and soaps out there available that people use for washing dishes in their dishwasher.

Some of these detergents are made of very strong and powerful chemicals that can stay on your dishes even after several wash and rinsing.

You will need to check and see the type of dish washing detergent you might be using, if it is highly chemical based it may be leaving the soap or detergent residue on your plates.

To correct and prevent this from happening again you should only use plant based organic detergent.

Or any highly recommended dish washing detergent that was recommended by the dishwasher manufacturer.

Why are my dishes still soapy after dishwasher?

This problem is somewhat similar to the one above with your plates and bowl tasting of soap.

But for the problem of dishes leaving a soapy film even after a complete wash from the dishwasher it may be attributed to a few things.

And we will discuss some of them here.Dishes taste of soap


The first possible reason why you are having soapy dishes from the dishwasher is because you may be using the wrong detergent.

There are some detergents that can cause this problem.

Especially if you are not using the recommended dishwasher detergent.

What you can do to correct this is you could try switching detergent to another brand.

Like the finish powerball tabs or seventh generation powder and see if this takes care of the problem.

Also another cause could be the type of water that you have in your home.

If you have hard water in your home you are likely going to have this problem.

If you have this problem the best way to solve it is to place some vinegar at the bottom of the dishwasher every time you run it.


Our final thought about this topic of having soap residue left on your dishes or even the soap taste affecting your food.

Is that you have to make sure the dishwasher detergent that is being used with your dishwasher is the recommend brand of dishwasher detergent.

Some as we rightly said might not be good for dishwashers as they may contain very harsh chemicals.

And this can even be more obvious on plastic plates leaving the soap or detergent residue on them.

It is always wise to check with your dishwasher manufacturer which brand of dishwasher detergent is best for use.

Also use less soap or detergent always have a specific measurement that you use for a wash cycle also use the rinse aid program when need be.

A dishwasher is expected to make your work or chores in the house less tedious and convenient.

And making sure your dishes come out sparkling clean and free of any soap or residue all the time is very important.